Shreyas is awaiting the release of his upcoming ZEE5 webseries, Akoori. The comedy-drama story revolves around a crazy Parsi family that’s forced to come together post a tragic event in the family. The webseries also stars actors  Darshan Jariwala, Lillete Dubey, Shadab Kamal, Zoa Morani, Sohrab Sunny, Adi Irani, Harsh Nagar. In a recent interview he revealed ‘Akoori is one of a kind webseries that will surely catch interest of the young audience. I’m really excited and can’t wait for it to release!” The ZEE5 original webseries will be released on the 30th of August 2018. We hope to see more of Shreyas in the coming days .The handsome Parsi actor was last seen in the 2017 movie Sweetie weds NRI.


Actor Shreyas Porus Pardiwalla who made his Bollywood debut with the movie Yaariyan, has recently been diagnosed with kidney stones . As a result, the actor is said to be on a strict, high-calcium diet to prevent worsening of the condition. Shreyas’s diet is being supervised by a renowned celebrity nutritionist. Although the condition is under control, Shreyas is taking all the possible measures to dissolve the kidney stones.

ZEE5 webseries  Akoori ‘s trailer has recently come out and  got very good appreciation from all fans . You will get to see Shreyas Porus Pardiwalla   a very interesting character in the show. The show revolves around a Parsi family. It premieres on 30 August, 2018 on Zee5.

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