Ameena, produced and directed by Kumar Raj. Starring Rekha Rana, Anant Mahadevan and Utkarsh Kohli. Trailer Launch with Cast & Crew

In the realm of Bollywood, numerous films have drawn inspiration from literature or plays, often resulting in cinematic hits. One such example is the Hindi feature film Ameena, produced and directed by Kumar Raj, inspired by the renowned Urdu playwright Aftab Hasnain’s play Yahan Ameena Bikti Hai. The film’s trailer has been making waves recently, creating buzz among audiences. This female-centric film took place at Mumbai’s JW Hotel Juhu, in the presence of entire film team in attendance.

Veteran actor-director Anant Mahadevan plays a pivotal role in Ameena, alongside Rekha Rana in the titular role and Utkarsh Koli in a significant character, Co Producer Dharm.

Producer Directors Kumar Raj’s last film “ Tara the journey of love & passion “ had gone to Oscars and has received 487 awards worldwide wide and is in 7 world book of records.


Rekha Rana And Anant Mahadevan Starrer AMEENA Trailer Launch

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